Two opportunities you cannot pass up! Join students and educators from the region at the 2nd Annual Student and Educator Symposium (SES) being held at the Hilton Columbus/Polaris, April 10-11, 2025. The SES program includes continuing education sessions with certification exam review sessions, educator topics, the Roy Bell Memorial Educator’s Luncheon, educator CE sessions, the Philip W. Ballinger Student Self-assessment Exam, Clinical Case Study Competition, and Quiz Bowl! Come early for a JRCERT Outcomes Assessment Workshop on April 9 from 1:00 to 5:00PM. This 4-hour track is appropriate for program officials and others who participate in the assessment process, including creating an effective plan to assess student learning outcomes. You must register separately for the Outcomes Assessment workshop and for the OSRT Student and Educator Symposium. Check it out!


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