You may have seen a recent email from the Ohio Department of Health regarding proposed amendments to Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3701-72: Licensing of Radiation Handlers Operating in Medical Settings. Last fall, the OSRT alerted membership that proposed rule changes would have made it more difficult for nuclear medicine technologists and radiation therapists to perform crucial job functions that they are educationally prepared and clinically competent to perform. HOWEVER, the ODH received several hundred comments from our membership and has drafted amendments to the rule. The OSRT issued this statement to the ODH in response to the proposed amendments:
" The Ohio Society of Radiologic Technologists appreciates the efforts of the Ohio Department of Health to resolve this conflict. We feel that these proposed rule changes will provide for the safety of Ohio’s patients by assuring that qualified medical imaging technologists have the appropriate education and clinical competency to perform these procedures. The OSRT is in full support of the amendments as written. “
As you can see, the OSRT is effectively supporting all Ohio RTs. Will you help support OSRT so they can continue to support you? Join OSRT for only $35/year and help us help you!
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