You may have seen a recent email from the Ohio Department of Health regarding proposed changes to Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3701-72: Licensing of Radiation Handlers Operating in Medical Settings. The proposed changes would make it more difficult for nuclear medicine technologists and radiation therapists to perform crucial job functions that they are educationally prepared and clinically competent to perform.

The OSRT has submitted the following comment in opposition to the proposed changes. We will continue to monitor this situation and keep members updated. This comment period ends on October 26, 2023.

The Ohio Society of Radiologic Technologists (OSRT) is NOT in favor of removing rules 3701-72-04 (K) and (L) as it would have a detrimental impact on medical imaging and radiologic science patient care and procedure accessibility. The computed tomography (CT) component is currently included in the national curriculum and professional practice for radiation therapists and nuclear medicine technologists. Striking (K) and (L) from rule 3701-72-04 would result in a shortage of qualified medical imaging and radiologic science professionals to perform essential job-related functions. This would result in reduced patient access, decreased patient outcomes, and decreased quality of care provided to Ohioans. Cross-training and requiring a post-primary certification in CT for nuclear medicine technologists and radiation therapists would be a considerable and unnecessary expense for hospitals and technologists, which are already experiencing enormous staffing shortages. The OSRT strongly opposes striking lines (K) and (L) from Ohio Administrative Code 3701-72-04.” 

The OSRT Advocay Committee is consistently working for Ohio R.T.s and for safe and effective patient care!

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