The following news break is a note of thanks from OSRT President Kris Seitz. It refers to the urgent news article below.

"I would like to THANK YOU all for responding to our call to action. Because of you, the amendment that would have decreased the level of supervision for GXMO's was removed from the state budget bill today! We would also like to thank the American Society of Radiologic Technologists and Ohio State Radiological Society for their help in getting the language removed. Thank you for helping protect Ohio's patients by maintaining our reputation for providing safe, quality care. We appreciate your membership and continued support of the OSRT. Thank you.

#advocacy #patientcare #radiationsafety"

Urgent Message: Kris Seitz, President of the OSRT is asking ALL OHIO TECHNOLOGISTS for your help. You should have received an email from Ms. Seitz regarding an amendment to the Ohio budget bill. This amendment would decrease the level of supervision for General X-ray Machine Operators (GXMO's). This is NOT a budget issue and is NOT a workforce issue. This IS a public health issue that should be debated in public and not slipped into a 9,000 page bill.

The OSRT opposes this amendment - this is where you come in. We need you to contact your legislators and tell them that this amendment is BAD for patients in Ohio.

Please help us protect our patients and maintain Ohio's reputation for providing quality patient care. Click on the link in the email from Seitz and contact your legislators today. The link contains a letter has been drafted to make it easy for you to send your letter. You are able to optionally add why this issue is important to you if you'd like. In addition, if you wish to also contact your representative directly, you can use this District Map | Ohio Legislature link.

Thank you for your membership and continued support of the OSRT. We appreciate you!

#advocacy #patientcare #radiationsafety

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