Do You know someone that deserves the Technologist of the Year Award?
In 1973, the OSRT Board of Directors established the Technologist of the Year Award to be presented at each Annual Meeting.
Congratulations to the 2024 OSRT Technologist of the Year! Your name could be here! Nominate yourself or someone else who deserves to be recognized.
Jan Gibson, M.Ed, R.T.(R)
Interested in nominating some deserving RT? Check out the Award Rules

Fellows is an honorary designation representing a significant breadth and depth of contribution to the OSRT and the medical imaging and radiation therapy profession. A Fellows is an exemplary leader who has consistently served, advocated for, and supported advancement of the profession.
Qualifications for Elevation to OSRT Fellows Honor
To apply for Fellows status, applicants should read the most current published guidelines below, along with the rubric:
.Applicants must:
- be a current OSRT member in good standing.
- submit the online application (see below) by May 15
- attach a professional CV or Resume to the online application.
- provide verification of degree and/or certification status by American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (or equivalent medical imaging certification) by either diploma or certification.
- submit a non-refundable application fee of $50.00 at the time of application for Fellows.
- verify past or present professional organization membership(s).
- achieve a score of 75 or more during the Fellows committee's evaluation using the Fellows Status Point Scale Rubric.
Selected candidates will be elevated to Fellows status at the Fellows Ceremony during the Francine Todd Memorial Honors Reception at the Annual Meeting of each year (September). Elevated Fellows will be presented with an award at the ceremony.
Fellows Process
- The OSRT Fellows Committee will conduct the process for selection of Fellows candidates.
- The Fellows Committee will evaluate applicant submissions and shall forward all approved nominees to the OSRT Board of Directors for confirmation at the 2nd mid-year board meeting (July).
- Applicants will be notified of Fellows status within one (1) week following the second mid-year board meeting.
Fellows Committee and Related Functions
The Fellows Committee is a standing committee of the OSRT. Committee members are appointed by the president each year. The committee and its chair responsibilites are outlined below:
- Committee membership consists of a chair and two committee members.
- The term of committee appointment is two years with the possibility of reappointment.
- Chair shall establish initial communication with committee members no later than October 31.
- Chair shall maintain frequent communication with committee members.
- All correspondence of the Fellows Committee shall be copied to the OSRT President.
- Chair shall develop and submit a committee report when requested by the senior chairperson of the board of directors by the stated deadline.
- Committee shall review duties and responsibilities outlined in the OSRT Policy & Procedure Manual and the charges received from the OSRT President.
- Chair shall provide updates as needed pertinent to respective committee duties and timelines to submit to Senior Chairperson of the Board of Directors with the pre-annual report. in addition, review the OSRT Website for posted pertinent committee information checking for accuracy and timelines. Forward revisions/updates to the Webmaster.
- Fellows applications open November. 1 and close May 15.
- Committee chair and the applicant will be notified electronically of receipt of the completed application.OSRT.
- OSRT Operations Manager distributes Fellows applications to the committee for review and determination of preliminary Fellows status no later than February 5th of the application year.
- Committee shall review online applications for Fellows status.
- Application reviews will begin 15 days following the application deadline.
- Elevated candidate's(s) professional accomplishments will be summarized and highlighted by the committee for presentation at the Fellows ceremony at the Francine Todd Memorial Honors Reception.
- Chair will forward all Fellows status approved nominees to the senior chairperson of the board for a confirmation approval vote by the Board of Directors during the 2nd mid-year Board Meeting (July).
- Fellows candidate(s) will be notified by the OSRT President of approved or non-approved Fellows status no later than 1 week after the 2nd mid-year Board meeting .
- Approved Fellows candidate(s) will be elevated/awarded at the Fellows's ceremony at the Francine Todd Memorial Honors Reception at the OSRT Annual Meeting to be held in September.
- Committee will review and evaluate the Fellows selection process annually and report to the board of directors at the Pre-Annual Board meeting.
- Committee shall publicize the OSRT Fellows program by communicating with the Webmaster and Social Media Chair.
Interested applicants Apply NOW!

Do you know someone that has offered unusual, dedicated service to OSRT? If so, that individual may be deserving of a Life or Honorary Membership Award. Read more.