The OSRT and the OSRT Education and Research Foundation sponsor competitive events conducted annually at the Annual Meeting. Competitive events include the following: Student Quiz Bowl, Technologist and Student Case Study Presentation Competition, and the Philip W. Ballinger Student Self-Assessment Exam. Read below for more information. Educational and Research Grants are funded through the OSRT Education and Research Foundation.
Click GRANTS to review and apply for one of the many grants offered by the Foundation.

The OSRT Education and Research Foundation (OSRTERF) Case Study Presentation Competition is open to all registered and student technologist members of the OSRT. There are separate technologist/Therapist and student categories for the competition; students and technologists will not compete against each other. The competition is a two-step process and will be judged on the basis of a Microsoft PowerPoint slide presentation with an accompanying outline, and a final case study live presentation for participants at the Student and Educator Symposium (SES) for students or the Annual Meeting (AM) for technologists/therapists. Click see a list of past winners.
- Step 1: Submission of the competition application, a Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slide presentation, and a separate detailed outline of the presentation content, and
- Step 2*: A live presentation of the submitted Case Study for attendees at the OSRT Student and Educator Symposium (student presenters) or the OSRT Annual Meeting (registered technologist/therapist presenters).
*Applicants must meet a minumum score in step 1 to be qualified to continue to step 2.
Please thoroughly review the submission information, competition guidelines, and grading rubric for specific competition rules.
The purposes of the competition include:
- Serving as a learning opportunity for all participants,
- Emphasizing the value and use of diagnostic imaging,
- Researching a particular disease, condition, or injury,
- Following a patient from initial symptoms or presentation through treatment and prognosis,
- Examining the importance and role that diagnostic imaging and radiation therapeutic modalities play in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of disease; a minimum of 3 diagnostic or therapeutic modalities must be included in the presentation, 1 of which is routine radiography, and
- Providing a peer educational experience for registered and student radiographers.
This is a competition that requires a minimum standard score for an award. Application materials and preliminary presentation materials will be reviewed by the OSRTERF to determine which proposals are eligible to continue in the competition and be presented at the Student and educator Symposium (for students) or the Annual Meeting (for technologists/therapists). Minimum standard criteria must be met to be selected to present your case study and be eligible for an award. A maximum of 3 student case studies may be chosen to continue to the Student and Educators Symposium and 3 registered technologist/therapist case studies continue to the Annual Meeting presentation portions of the competition.
Please note that any materials associated with the presentation must adhere to HIPAA guidelines and be correctly referenced to the most current AMA or APA formatting style. Plagiarism and non-compliance with HIPAA regulations will result in automatic disqualification of any application or presentation.
Your library can help you with AMA or APA styles, or you can find some helpful free links online, like these:
AMA Manual of Style; APA Style, or I University Library.
Click on the document links below for rules, guidelines, and judging rubrics. When ready to apply and upload, click the "Apply & Submit Now" button--then scroll down when the page loads to complete the application form.

Congratulations to the 2024 Quiz Bowl Winners
1st Place: Sinclair Community College
2nd Place: Kent State University-Salem
This could be your team! To sponsor a Quiz Bowl team at the next O.S.R.T. Annual Meeting, please complete the online application form below and submit the $20.00 participation fee no later than March 1. Fees associated with the Quiz Bowl event support the O.S.R.T. Applications and participation fees received after March 1 will not be accepted and will be returned to the Program Director. Please note that the application AND the fee must be submitted by the deadline in order for your team to participate.
Only one team application is permitted per institution and only eight student team members are permitted per team. By March 1, each student team member must be a member of O.S.R.T. or hold membership in another state radiologic technologist professional society (if outside of Ohio). The O.S.R.T. Executive Secretary will verify student membership for all team members submitted. If your team is from outside of Ohio, you must fax or email a copy of each team participant’s membership card prior to the deadline (see application automated Thank You for fax and mailing address information once the application is submitted).
All student team members must be registered for the Student & Educator Symposium by the pre-registration deadline. The Program Director will be notified of any student team member(s) not meeting the membership and pre-registration requirements, and these students will not be permitted to participate in the competition. Students deemed ineligible for participation will not be replaced by another student. New Rule: Effective May 1, 2024, Quiz Bowl Team advisers may not simultaneously serve as a member of the Quiz Bowl Committee.
Questions or inquiries regarding the Quiz Bowl can be directed to Quiz Bowl Committee Co-Chairs, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Complete the online application form